The purpose of the Llewellyn Foundation is to raise funds throughout the year to provide additional teaching positions to the school. We hope you will consider making a donation this year, participating in one of our fundraising events, or volunteering your time to support the Foundation.

When it comes time to complete staffing for the upcoming school year, I rely on foundation funds to make sure Llewellyn students are able to have the best opportunities to learn and grow. Foundation funds benefit all students and keep our Stars shining brightly.
— Principal Pam

 2024 Fundraising Goal

While our fundraising goal for the 23-24 school year is $75,000, we have added a stretch goal to ‘Reach for the Stars’ of $100,000! This will help provide teaching and staff positions at Llewellyn.

Donate today to help give Llewellyn the stability needed for a better staff:student ratio.

Thank you to Matt Knapp at Underscore Video for our 2023 Foundation Video!

Home of the Stars!

Home of the Stars!

Keep up with The Foundation on Instagram